Monday 13 October 2014


traffic,social media

Social media networks are also one of the important source for blogger's from where they can drive traffic to their blog,And we can benefit ourselves well enough.
Some of the common ways for traffic from social media is status and people's interest in it!
We get good number of clicks to our blog only when people are interested in that particular topic.

From the above picture we can find something really useful,we can find that a social media consists of the following interests,So having any of the following topic could expose your work spot! :)



i) Getting traffic from Facebook is not a hard work but You've to understand the plan and execute it perfectly,One of the best way is to increase the engagement is by a Facebook fan page with good number of likes,around 1000+ is satisfied.But getting 1000+ people under your topic of interest is not a easy work but can only be possible through creating an ad,Rather than this Let's try to increase the engagement rate through a smart idea.
It's believed and even true that most of the people would love to have a fun time on social sites rather than gaining information,and it's even true that they share what they feel funny or Nice,But if your page is not based on fun stuffs then??Ah! This is not a big deal but I've found a simple solution to get thorough this! 
Basically on the start-up of your page put some meme's before inviting your friends.After then keep an alternates of post with a fun thing and a interesting info or a fact,This keeps people engaged all the time and you even-get good amount of click-through's with even a less number of likes.
Have a Look a the below picture.

At the start-up of my page I was a newbie and didn't knew any strategies,So I used to only put these type of things,Surprisingly people where interested in the above photo which has a potential reach of 303 with 2 shares which is really huge for having only 260(average) likes for the total page.By this I can recommend you to engage people with some or the other things with at-least a single update on your page a day!

ii) The second factor is groups,posting in groups also brings out good number of visits and increase your engagement,Nothing more to tell about this But be sure to follow the rules of the groups before you promote your link or URL for the post! 


Twitter is more powerful than Facebook on the basis of traffic and engagement,Here your status matters more than use of pictures and videos,Tweet funny things,crack few jokes meanwhile don't forget to post your website URL,Following this gets you massive number of followers which also results in increase of engagement as well as traffic.One of the best way to gain followers by following them,it's common that when you follow them most of the people follow you back,I think you understand the importance of following others,By doing this I recently got nearby  170 followers within a day which is really useful for our traffic!


I personally believe that having more circles with more followers gives you out good clicks,and google+  is one of the best way for driving traffic suppose anyone has signed in to their Google account and search for your keyword it's sure that your profile is showed up in the first page which redirects to your blog or post,So always be smart at keyword jobs to choose the right one's.

RSS,Pinterest and other networks:

Rss traffic is not a main source of traffic but it should be taken seriously,For Rss traffic subscribers matters a lot,Let me tell you a simple thing to increase your subscribers as one of my friend said me that your subscribers can be increased by giving out something important what they need for free that's similar to a give-away,He even suggested me that nowadays if you give any eBook you won't get nice amount of subscribers as today's internet trend is not interested in it,So it's better to give some good premium tools for free as what he does and he's even getting lot's of subscribers.
And these above listed networks can help you to get good amount of clicks and engagement.
Moving to other networks I usually don't use them nor get traffic from them but even they're strong enough,it's better to have a profile on almost every network and so to promote the link/URL's etc...


Perhaps these are the tricks which I Use and exercise,do pen-down your tactics and views about this article.I hope you Enjoyed this article.
