Wednesday 27 May 2015


If You're a newbie to blog-o-sphere ,You've gotta turn yourself into a pro,But making that so happen is not an easy task,Perhaps you've gotta work hard.As a blogger everyone knows what is traffic,SEO,backlinks etc.. Here after going to the next step we come across a complicated term(not actually) known as "bounce rate" .This article is all about what exactly is bounce rate and how do we manage it.


According to Google,it goes on like ;
"The percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page".

In Simple words to say visitors coming to a website and closing it after checking out only a single post or article.
Now another question arises i.e why do people do like this so?To, say there are two similar reasons

1.May be your content is not meeting their requirement i.e The content you've created is not unique.
2.Your Content didn't promise to deliver the content that you promised to,in terms of title.

Like this things get harder to do and manage,So let's see how to solve and keep things going well.


So here comes the important part,A long time ago Even I didn't exactly knew what exactly is bounce rate ,After spending some time on web,I got a basic idea bout this.I Even saw many articles that were too complicated and couldn't go up with those,Somehow after searching for it again and again,I got to know few key factors for reducing the bounce rate,And this is what I'm gonna share with you.

The First and Foremost thing to consider to manage your bounce rate is your template.Roger that !
You can't even imagine how important it is,Don't always think that blogs with nice designs and widgets get more visitors or traffic.
I'll tell,Just keep your template or theme as simple as possible,but make sure it has the right navigation and all the basic things required to run a blog.
By doing this so,Your page loading speed will be improved so much,it'll be optimized well enough and hence you can feel the difference.
As said earlier your template matters a lot,let me give you an example;
Suppose you've spent your hard time on researching keywords and finally managed to rank,You will get tons of visitors,But you get no credits,Why so?The most appropriate reason may be that,your Visitors must have found it difficult to read,due to your font's malfunction,Your hard work totally goes insane.
And Considering vice-versa of this case,Like you've good theme,font style colour and everything seems perfect,but you've got nothing in the content to rank.This means you should not only depend upon theme but also your SEO knowledge matters.

To Solve these major Problems of your blog,if you have so Then nothing to worry. I've got 3 posts that satisfies your needs,Check it out right now and continue reading this article. ;) 

Few Days Ago,I tried the steps mentioned above for myself on this blog and got amazing results.

As you can see in the above screen-shot taken from alexa,The bounce rate has reduced over 5% i.e from 45% to 40.30% just by applying some simple steps listed above,It took me only 2-3 days to do this so.I'll apply these simple steps and bag more benefits,I bet that this will work for you too.
And another important thing to remember,If you're running a blog with Ads make sure you place it at the right place,In such a way that it doesn't irritates your readers and have high conversion too.Side-bar would be the unique place another spot is just beside your blog's title.
And a thing always to say is that,always promote your posts on social media as it gives a good boost to your new article or post.


Here comes the end of the post,Though this post may look kinda small but the information provide here is 100% working and these are the major steps to be taken to reduce bounce rate of your blog.
Hope you liked this post,put-down your views in comments,and if possible do share on your social media walls,I Would like to thank a bunch for those who do it.
Have a Great day ahead.
